•• Big Burns Supper changes its name to Dumfries TV! ••

Big Burns Supper will be changing its name to Dumfries TV for the next 6 weeks as part of a new project.

Dumfries TV has been designed to engage children, young people, older people and those who find themselves at home in a community wide project of six episodes that run every Wednesday at 11am.

Audiences can tune into the programme and take part in some of the activities. Dumfries TV wants to unite the community by telling different stories about the town, remembering the happy times before lockdown, by watching the live version on Facebook or after the show on the website.

Each week audiences will be encouraged to send in recipes, pictures, photographs, and videos for the next edition.  Each programme will be themed around different years in our history.  The first edition will explore life in Dumfries in 1958 and the series will run through 1978, 1998, 2018 until it present day.

Organisers of the Big Burns Supper Festival are behind the idea which will be broadcast from the festival’s Facebook page every week.  Six new characters have been created for the programme including Tourist Tam who uses his bike to find different clues around the town and Jock the Sock who will help recreate some of our finest dishes.

Each week there will be different guest artists as well as regular slots like cookery, fashion, music, news and interactive trails around the town centre.  Members of the community will be able to send in their content which will feature as part of the show.

Graham Main, Executive Producer of Big Burns Supper said

“This is a new fun and interactive way for us to reach other in these extraordinary times.  We want to inject a bit of humour into everyone’s lives and digital streaming gives us a way to create community wide content. “

Diane Little-Moss, Community Producer at Big Burns Supper  said

“ We have had great fun imagining what a Dumfries TV station would look and feel like.  We have really enjoyed exploring the changing social history of the town at times like these.  We can learn a great deal by looking at our past”

Jack Finlay, 24 from Kirkcudbright plays Tourist Tam in the piece said

Tam is really likeable, and his curiosity gets him into trouble at times, but there is something local about Tam that young people will be able to relate to.  He doesn’t take himself seriously at all.”

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Big Burns Supper is a trading name of Electric Theatre Workshop which is a registered charity number SCO42897.
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