•• Our Trustees ••

Our organisation is a registered charity with voluntary trustees who have created a fair and transparent non-profit business that benefits almost 70,000 people a year.    We like to think of ourselves as a social co-operative.  It costs nothing to join our organisation and everyone helps in whichever way they can.

Our trustees are ordinary people who provide invaluable support, advice and the framework for our creative and cultural programmes.

All of our trustees are actively involved in our programmes of work, and take a proactive role to ensure that our activities match our purpose.  We are a membership organisation, and our trustees are ambassadors for our wider membership body.  Anyone can join our organisation.

They meet six times a year at meetings held in Dumfries, and they are responsible for ensuring that our statutory responsibilities are in place, our financial management meets the scrutiny required as a third sector organisation, and that our policy framework is renewed and reflects the current work we undertake.

Our next AGM will be held in November 2025

We operate an open recruitment policy at our Board and we are always very interested in hearing from anyone who thinks they might be able to support the work we do.

Our organisation maintains a current risk register and our trustees are asked to declare any conflicts of interest ahead of any meeting.

At an extra ordinary meeting which took place on the 22nd February 2023 at the Loreburn Hall, our members approved several material changes to our memorandum.  This means that we will be an eligible transfer body.   This is currently being proposed to OSCR who we hope will approve this shortly.

You can view our Memorandum of Association below:

Updated Articles Feb 2023


You can view our Certficate on Incorporation of Change of Name below:

Certificate of Name Change


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•• Our Patron ••


Maureen Farrell

Maureen helped to set up our organisation in 2011, and was the second serving chair of ...


•• ••

•• Our Trustees ••


Tom Armstrong

Tom is a retired Bank Manager and a massive Big Burns Supper fan. He contributes to Du...


Karen Clapperton

Karen works as a nurse, and has been with the board since 2012. She's also been an acti...


Jamie Milligan

With many years experience developing and building businesses in both the corporate and...


Jordan Chisholm

Jordan has been part of the BBS legacy since the very early days and has enjoyed watchi...


Rachel Scott

Rachel is our newest member of the Board and is a member of Dumfries Community Choir. ...


Professsor Robertson Wellen

Robertson is a local business owner who emigrated from Los Angeles to Dumfries, working...


Carlo Rinaldi

Born and raised in Dumfries. Carlohas had businesses in the town since 1984 so understa...


Maureen Farrell

Maureen helped to set up our organisation in 2011, and was the second serving chair of our board offering outstanding leadership and mentorship to the young team that emerged from the foundation of the company. With a career in head-teaching spanning almost forty five years, and voluntary service to our community through housing and inclusion for around thirty years, Maureen is a special ambassador for the vision we have, which is why in 2018, we asked her to be our first patron.


Tom Armstrong

Tom is a retired Bank Manager and a massive Big Burns Supper fan. He contributes to Dumfries & Galloway life through several memberships across different social organisations and was most recently the Chair of Dumfries & Galloway Chamber of Commerce.


Karen Clapperton

Karen works as a nurse, and has been with the board since 2012. She's also been an active volunteer since then, providing artistic liaison support during each festival, as well as many different front of house roles. She is one of the founding members of our organisation and chaired the organisation from 2015-2020 making her our longest serving Chair.


Jamie Milligan

With many years experience developing and building businesses in both the corporate and leisure sectors with annual turnover £18m, I am a highly professional, commercially focused, sales driven individual who thrives on achieving financial budgets and delivering good service standards whilst working within internal company standards and external legal parameters.

He is just about to take over the Swan Restaurant and is a volunteer at Nith Inshore Rescue an recenlty launched the new Mercure Hotel in Dumfries as well as being GM for the Holiday Inn.


Jordan Chisholm

Jordan has been part of the BBS legacy since the very early days and has enjoyed watching it grow and develop into what it has now become. A keen advocate for community and what it means for things to transpire here, Doonhame, FOR its people, BY its people – whoever they may be. She put's forward a fresh perspective with a love of bringing ideas to life and helping make things happen.

Jordan was our first Associate Artist in 2013 and line produced our first ever Homecoming Carnival as well as giving a private performance of her theatre piece Jordan, Herself and Id to the Royal Family.


Rachel Scott

Rachel is our newest member of the Board and is a member of Dumfries Community Choir. Profile coming soon.


Professsor Robertson Wellen

Robertson is a local business owner who emigrated from Los Angeles to Dumfries, working in professional theatre for over 20 years as a designer/technician and was a professor of Theatrical Arts for 12 years.

He has held many leadership positions and has experience running campaigns, overseeing budgets, and production/stage management and very experienced with social media and have over 17,000 followers on his Pour1malt Instagram.


Carlo Rinaldi

Born and raised in Dumfries. Carlohas had businesses in the town since 1984 so understand what is needed to help the town thrive and be vibrant. He has also been involved in education in Dumfries from the primary sector through to Higher Education.

Carlo helped pioneer the Dinners by Children project between 2014 and 2015 which saw children take over an Italian Restaurant for the night. In the 80's and 90's his family ran the popular Doonhamer Restaurant which is as Dumfries as Robert Burns himself.


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Big Burns Supper is a trading name of Electric Theatre Workshop which is a registered charity number SCO42897.
Registered as a company number SC414600 Big Burns Supper, Producers of the Future and Le Haggis are registered trademarks.